Update & Protestant Returns
October 5, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under One Billion Stories, Seeking Truth, Testimonies
Bearfoot for Babies Begins!
October 4, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under One Billion Stories, Pro-Life
Run 4 Vocations (III)
September 24, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Discernment, One Billion Stories
Part I: http://onebillionstories.com/?p=2459
Part II: http://onebillionstories.com/?p=2478
Run 4 Vocations
September 16, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Discernment, One Billion Stories, Testimonies
Prayer & Action - Day 5
July 30, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under One Billion Stories
Prayer & Action - Day 4
July 29, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Apostolates, One Billion Stories
Prayer & Action - Day 3
July 28, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Apostolates, One Billion Stories
Prayer & Action - Day 2
July 27, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Apostolates, One Billion Stories
Prayer & Action - Day 1
July 26, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Apostolates, One Billion Stories
Totus Tuus
July 7, 2010 by OneBillionStories.com
Filed under Apostolates, One Billion Stories
Once again, another impact our late Holy Father had upon the world, the fruits of Totus Tuus.