Category: M

Michelle Marie Mandico, Breaking Hearts LIVE

15th April

Choices in Life can Break Hearts, but God’s Mercy Brings us Through
“This choice breaks more than one heart, this choice breaks more than one heart…”

Published on: April 15th, 2013 — 1:34 PM / OBS: North America

DENVER, CO, USA — Listen closely to the lyrics of this song by Michelle Marie Mandico as she performs live, “Breaking Hearts.” The message of life, love, and mercy pour forth from the notes of Michelle. And the challenges in this century for babies in the womb only continue to increase. As Catholics, we, the ‘one billion’ member family, must continue to use beauty to pierce the heart of this culture of death we live within. (more below)

Seth J. DeMoor
Video Missionary, North America


[email protected]

music by: Michelle Marie Mandico / filmed & edited by: Seth James DeMoor

“Breaking Hearts,” … Read More »

A Reflection on the Diaconate, Family Life, and Terminal Cancer, with Deacon Dusty

27th February

We all have Busy Lives & Deadlines
“I’ve survived this long, I pray everyday that God shows me what to do with this moment.”

Published on: February 27th, 2013 — 11:39 PM / OBS: North America

AURORA, CO, USA — The reflections in this video from Aurora Colorado are insightful to the human experience, and therefore the spiritual life. Deacon Dusty Martin’s testimony reveals that moments in life have the potential to create perspective if allowed by the individual. During this Year of Faith, a little bit of perspective to the spiritual life from Deacon Dusty could go a long way in the 21st century hustle of modern day America. (more below)

Seth J. DeMoor
Founder & Video Missionary, USA


[email protected]

music by: Explosions in the Sky, Nathan Johnson

One defining moment in Deacon Dusty’s journey was the moment … Read More »

Una charla sobre la decadencia moral del Padre Miguel Manzanero

21st February

El Padre Miguel Manzanera es un sacerdote de Bilbao, España pero hace más que 30 años está viviendo en Bolivia. Trabaja por el Arzobispado de Cochabamba y es el vicario judicial para el tribunal eclesiastico de Bolivia. También trabaja en la Universidad Católica Boliviana como director del Departamento de Bioética. Además, es dentro del Apostolado de la Nueva Evangelización Pro Vida. Con toda esta experiencia con bioética y pro vida, el padre nos compartió una charla interesante sobre la decadencia moral en los paises desarollados e incluso estamos viendo los efectos de eso en los paises latinoamericanos. Es una lucha sumamente importante que no empezamos a aceptar que las cosas que nuestra cultura hoy en día acepta como normal. El aborto, la homosexualidad, el divorcio, los anticonceptivos, el alcohol, las drogas, el uso de la sexualidad humana de temprana edad … Read More »

Conceived in Rape, Born in Love, Flourishing for Eternity by Amber Masterson

Posted by in Amber Masterson, Blogs, Life, M, Speakers. 7 comments

21st January

Even a child conceived in rape deserves the protection of the law.
When it comes to children conceived in rape, pro-choice does not even bother trying to muddle the humanity of the child.

Published on: January 21st 2012 — 9:42 PM / OBS: North America

by Amber Masterson

If there is one thing that seems to be getting the attention it rightfully deserves, it is the issue of abortion; more specifically, the rape exception. The fact of the matter is the rape exception is what keeps abortion on demand legal. Much of the support for abortion, even by some pro-lifers, rests on the rape exception.

My Mother had been molested by 2 men. She was very vulnerable and had a low self-esteem because
of it. When my biological Father walked into her life (she was 14 and he was 22). He presented himself as someone she … Read More »

Bring Forth the Light by Michael James Mette

3rd October

Official Music Video for “Bring Forth the Light”
© 2012 Michael James Mette

La Eucaristía, Fidelidad a la Iglesia, y la Virgen María

11th September

Padre Luis María es un sacerdote jóven de los Misioneros Siervos de los Pobres del Tercer Mundo (MSP). Aqui él explica su experiencia en llegar en Cusco como misionero y su discernimiento para el sacerdocio. Originalmente de Francia (obvio por su acento), el fue a América central por un año y medio y salió una experiencia fuerte trabajando con los pobres de Honduras. Su hermano (de sangre) que es monje, le aconsejó, “Vete a Perú”. Mira y escucha de su devoción a los pobres del Perú, a la Eucaristía, a la Virgen María y de su fielidad a la Iglesia Católica.
(Grabado: 20/04/12)

Evangelizing the culture and helping the poor

10th September

An Australian named Greg goes to Peru to begin a year of growth and learning about the Socalitium of Christian Life in Lima, Peru. He is an aspirant, meaning he aspires to go into formation and come out as a consecrated lay man that will devote his life to the apostolic work he does evangelizing the culture. Meeting the people where they are at, but not necessarily being ok with where they are, and challenging them to move to higher levels spiritually. We found him with a mission group from Boulder, Colorado that went for 2 weeks to serve the poor in a shantytown in Lima. Greg has been living in Lima for the last year and hopes to enter his formation this coming year to become a Sodalith, a consecrated lay man with the movement. We hope you enjoy … Read More »

Bring Forth the Light, Michael James Mette

31st August had the privilege of spending a morning with Michael James Mette at a middle school in St. Louis in the winter of 2011, see videos here. Below is a video he created with his wife and 5 kids, lets just say they LOVE music! Buy an incredible album of Catholic music by clicking on the photo of Michael below, enjoy the music.

Excerpt from Michael James Mette on the video below:

“As many of you know, I’m (Michael James Mette) married with 5 kids. We really enjoy music in the Mette house and it seems like there’s always someone singing, dancing, or playing music. We use music to wake up in the morning, to motivate us during cleaning time, and in the background just for fun. Sometimes the girls request songs from my new album & I thought … Read More »

Conociendo a Dios y a si mismo en el medio de los Andes

20th August

El hermano Eric Dominguez está trabajando con los niños pobres afuera de Cusco, Perú y nos habla sobre su experiencia de estar 10 meses con estos niños. Algunos de ellos no hablan español, sino Quechua. A través de un sacerdote mexicano el padre Vincent Minnelli (ya tenemos unos videos de él en la página) quien había venido a México para dar una platica a la parróquia del hermano Eric, empezó a sentir una llamada de ir al Perú y dar un buen tiempo de servicio a los pobres. Gracias a Dios finalmente está experimientando de la verdadera felicidad y espera llegar a ser sacerdote si Dios quiere.

Padre Vincent Minnelli Encuentros con Cristo: parte 2

25th July

Después de su viaje al Perú, el Señor fue mostrando al Padre Vincent Minnelli que su voluntad fue que volviera al Perú como sacerdote para vivir con los pobres y servirlos. En México de vuelta, fue a ayudar a personas sufriendo pero encontró un límite tremendo donde no pudo perdonar sus pecados ni llevar Jesucristo presente en la eucaristía. Se sintió una llamada fuerte para ser sacerdote y para volver al Perú. Entonces fue a seminario en Toledo, España, donde está el seminario para el movimiento Siervos de los Pobres quienes están en Cusco, Perú. Ahora hace varios años que es sacerdote viviendo en el Perú con los más necesidados. Es encargado con el seminario menor allá en Andahuaylillas (cerca de Cusco) y es director espiritual para el seminario de Cusco. Actualmente el Padre Vincent viaja unas veces al año … Read More »